A contract is an agreement between two or more parties, whether it be between two business entities, between two individuals or even both, that outlines and defines the terms of the said exchange.
Having a legally binding contract is essential for clarity and assurance so that all parties involved know their responsibilities and what is expected of them. Essentially, a well written valid contract will help avoid any disagreements and confusion, especially if the contract is a long-term agreement between the parties. Thus, if “things go wrong” along the way, a valid contract...
Οι πιο κάτω πρόνοιες, στηρίζονται στην τελευταία προκήρυξη του σχεδίου (2023). Με την νέα προκήρυξη, πιθανό να διαφοροποιηθούν.
Απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση για όλους τους ενδιαφερομένους αιτητές, ειναι η συμπλήρωση του προκαταρκτικού ερωτηματολογίου: https://forms.gle/x1HKdfqbFMmmJfv16