(1)Cyprus Accounting and Tax Services for YouTubers, (2)Professional Accounting for Online Businesses in Cyprus, (3)Cyprus Non-Domiciled Tax Status for YouTubers | Fees and Services, (4)Accounting and Tax Support for Video Creators in Cyprus, (5)Cyprus Bus


Real Client Question - I am from Israel wanting to relocate to Cyprus

A Youtube producer from Israel has enquired to relocate to Cyprus mainly for tax purposes

  • 30 July 2021
  • Author: FinHub
  • Number of views: 1167
Real Client Question - I am from Israel wanting to relocate to Cyprus


I'm looking for an accountant and some help, I moved here from Israel this year, I already opened a company here.

My business is online, I'm a video creator mostly on Youtube.

I Will be happy to discuss this with you at a zoom meeting or over the phone



Hi XXX and great work by the way. I have been through your Youtube channels!!!

Following our call yesterday please find attached our pricelist as requested, FYI.


Current Scenario


As discussed your company will have 1 employee ,yourself, and appr. 12 sales invoices in a year + some expenses and you would like to take advantage of the Cyprus non-domiciled tax status so as to enjoy worldwide tax free dividends.


Our fees:


a) Company related

Our accounting, audit, tax and payroll fees will be in the range of Euro 1,600 - Euro 2,300 + VAT depending on the volume, activity and inherent risk of your operations.

Banking Fees: If required will be Euro 800 + VAT + disbursements, if any



b) Individual 


- Non Domicile application, handling local authorities, communication and correspondence till the issuance of the certificate: Euro 800 + VAT

- Registration with local authorities and corresponding communication - Euro 150 per application

- Immigration services: if required will be billed separately depending on what is actually needed.


Next Steps:


If you are in agreement with the attached fees please inform us via email in order to commence the onboarding process.


More information about Cyprus can be obtained from our Youtube Channel (nothing compared to yours!) hit the button at the signature below.


Thank you XXX,

A Finhub Service Provider


FinHub Cyprus

Empowering businesses, accountants, lawyers and tax experts across Cyprus

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Email: support@finhub.com.cy

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