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Επιβολή χρηματικών επιβαρύνσεων στο Μητρώο Πραγματικών Δικαιούχων

στις περιπτώσεις αλλαγής αξιωματούχων/συνεταίρων σε μια εταιρεία/συνεταιρισμό είναι ευθύνη των νέων αξιωματούχων/συνεταίρων μιας εταιρείας/συνεταιρισμού

FinHub 0 295 Article rating: 5.0

....στις περιπτώσεις αλλαγής αξιωματούχων/συνεταίρων σε μια εταιρεία/συνεταιρισμό είναι ευθύνη των νέων αξιωματούχων/συνεταίρων μιας εταιρείας/συνεταιρισμού πριν από την αποδοχή του διορισμού τους, να προβούν σε σχετική έρευνα κατά πόσο μια εταιρεία/συνεταιρισμός έχει δηλώσει τους πραγματικούς δικαιούχους στο σύστημα των πραγματικών δικαιούχων του ΤΕΕΔΙ.

Cyprus Holding Companies: Insights and Examples

FinHub 0 1096 Article rating: No rating

In the ever-changing world of international investments, Cyprus Holding Companies have become a powerful tool for international investors. At CX Financia, we’ve noticed a surge in interest in this advantageous structure, especially regarding its tax benefits and effective implementation. As a response to this growing interest, our seasoned team has decided to delve deeper into the practical aspects of Cyprus Holding Companies. This article, serving as the second part of our comprehensive series on Cyprus Holding Companies and tax planning, aims to provide a clear understanding of its benefits, precautions, and real-world applications. For those who wish to revisit the first part of the series, you can find it here.



Real Client Instructions - Creation of Cyprus Company

A prospect client from Asia requested the fees for the creation of a Cyprus Company as their old service providers got them in troubles...

FinHub 0 1074 Article rating: No rating

i am still interested to set up a company in cyprus. 

I hired in september 2020 someone else to set up a company for me, XXXX, maybe you know them. There happend a lot of troubles. After not get a new company opened up he offered me after 2 months an existing one for which ...

How to use Finhub to get a quotation for professional services

Obtain binding quotations in your inbox, for free, for accounting, audit and tax services!

FinHub 0 1225 Article rating: 5.0


Finhub has been designed to save the user and the service provide time. The service is free, fast and reliable making it the easiest way to obtain accurate quotations from validated audit and assurance firms. 

Simply select the service you need from the drop-down menu, enter your budget and a short description of your exact needs and answer to our questions which have been designed in such a manner so that the service provider will obtain the necessary information to provide you with an accurate and binding quotation. 

For the user the process should not take more than 2 to 3 minutes.  

How are dividends from Cyprus companies taxed?

Cyprus taxes dividends differently, depending on whether or not you are a Cyprus Tax Resident or not or if you are a Cyprus Tax Resident but non domicile!

FinHub 0 982 Article rating: 4.0

That’s a great question and the answer depends on who the recipient of the dividends is! 

The easier way to look at it is if you are not living in Cyprus your dividends will be 100% tax free. However, this changes when the shareholders reside in Cyprus! 



FinHub Cyprus

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