FinHub Cyprus - audit firms



The #1 tech & business festival in Limassol

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On 30th and 31th of May our team had the opportunity to participate at the #1 tech & business festival in Limassol, known as "Reflect Festival"! 

Find an Auditor that Meet your Needs - Criteria to Pay Attention to

Each business is different. So are the audit and assurance firms! 

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It does not matter if you are Coca Cola or a street sole trader. You must be able to identify which type of audit and assurance firm best suits your needs and organization's profile.  

We analyse what you should consider before choosing the right audit and assurance firm for your needs below:

What is an audit? Is it compulsory in Cyprus? Is it good for your business?

Audit is the assessment of your financial affairs including local tax obligations towards the authorities.

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A statutory audit is the creation of the financial statements, the validation of the accounting numbers produced by the accountant and the inclusion of disclosures / notes in accordance with the IFRSs (the International Financial Reporting Standards) together with the auditors opinion where the regulated audit and assurance firm validates whether or not the financial statements show a true and fair view by expressing an opinion also called the "audit opinion".

Characteristics of Service Providers that you should pay attention to

Like products, each service provider whether an accountant, an auditor or a tax expert has different style and profile that may or may not suit your business.

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Choosing the right service provider can always be challenging especially because communication becomes vital, especially if you are starting your own business which means tens of calls on a weekly basis until you get organised with all accounting and tax aspects!  

So how are service providers different? 

We list below the various profiles of service providers we have come across. See which one suits you! 

  1. The introvert: what would anyone say the typical accountant! 

  1. The extrovert: what would anyone say, the not typical accountant! 

  1. The casual accountant; everyone's person but be cautious. 

  1. The snobbish accountant 

  1. The neighbor accountant 

How to use Finhub to get a quotation for professional services

Obtain binding quotations in your inbox, for free, for accounting, audit and tax services!

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Finhub has been designed to save the user and the service provide time. The service is free, fast and reliable making it the easiest way to obtain accurate quotations from validated audit and assurance firms. 

Simply select the service you need from the drop-down menu, enter your budget and a short description of your exact needs and answer to our questions which have been designed in such a manner so that the service provider will obtain the necessary information to provide you with an accurate and binding quotation. 

For the user the process should not take more than 2 to 3 minutes.  


FinHub Cyprus

Empowering businesses, accountants, lawyers and tax experts across Cyprus

Phone: +357 25 080 495


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