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Characteristics of Service Providers that you should pay attention to

Like products, each service provider whether an accountant, an auditor or a tax expert has different style and profile that may or may not suit your business.

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Choosing the right service provider can always be challenging especially because communication becomes vital, especially if you are starting your own business which means tens of calls on a weekly basis until you get organised with all accounting and tax aspects!  

So how are service providers different? 

We list below the various profiles of service providers we have come across. See which one suits you! 

  1. The introvert: what would anyone say the typical accountant! 

  1. The extrovert: what would anyone say, the not typical accountant! 

  1. The casual accountant; everyone's person but be cautious. 

  1. The snobbish accountant 

  1. The neighbor accountant 


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