FinHub Cyprus - company owners tax


Επιβολή χρηματικών επιβαρύνσεων στο Μητρώο Πραγματικών Δικαιούχων

στις περιπτώσεις αλλαγής αξιωματούχων/συνεταίρων σε μια εταιρεία/συνεταιρισμό είναι ευθύνη των νέων αξιωματούχων/συνεταίρων μιας εταιρείας/συνεταιρισμού

FinHub 0 295 Article rating: 5.0

....στις περιπτώσεις αλλαγής αξιωματούχων/συνεταίρων σε μια εταιρεία/συνεταιρισμό είναι ευθύνη των νέων αξιωματούχων/συνεταίρων μιας εταιρείας/συνεταιρισμού πριν από την αποδοχή του διορισμού τους, να προβούν σε σχετική έρευνα κατά πόσο μια εταιρεία/συνεταιρισμός έχει δηλώσει τους πραγματικούς δικαιούχους στο σύστημα των πραγματικών δικαιούχων του ΤΕΕΔΙ.

Real Client Instructions - Creation of Cyprus Company

A prospect client from Asia requested the fees for the creation of a Cyprus Company as their old service providers got them in troubles...

FinHub 0 1074 Article rating: No rating

i am still interested to set up a company in cyprus. 

I hired in september 2020 someone else to set up a company for me, XXXX, maybe you know them. There happend a lot of troubles. After not get a new company opened up he offered me after 2 months an existing one for which ...

If you are relocating to Cyprus, these are the main issues to consider prior to your stay!

Company, sole trader or an employee? How to conduct business in Cyprus?

FinHub 0 1056 Article rating: No rating

Company, Sole Trader or Employee?

Although we can go into a great extent for all of them, this article focuses on the last part which is deciding whether to trade as a physical person or as a company. The answer to this choice is made easier by the introduction of the 35% personal taxation on salaried income exceeding the first Euro 60,000 taxable income. Coupled with the legal protection a company offers, individuals who are going to set up a business in Cyprus are more likely to do so via the setup of a Cyprus company. 

You can not trade or do business if you are an employee other than of your own company. In addition to the non dom there are several tax benefits for overseas employees which could reduce their taxes up to 50% if employed by a Cyprus company.

Non-Domiciled Rule. What does it mean for me?

Tax Free Dividends by Owning a Cyprus Company

FinHub 0 925 Article rating: No rating

Non-Domiciled Rule. What does it mean for me? 

The non-domiciled rule is a clever tax law which was introduced by the Cyprus Income Tax office few years ago and it is a tax status for individuals who have not been living in Cyprus 12 out of the last 20 years. 


Benefits of this tax status? 

Individuals who are living in Cyprus and are tax residents but not domiciled are not subject to special defense tax which applies to dividend income, interest income and rental income.  

Therefore, an individual with worldwide dividend income is entitled to tax free dividends 


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